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'Wildscaping Our World Handbook'
This handbook - in a current ebook form - is based on my 24 years of experience working in human and animal welfare. The handbook especially draws from my last 7 years of experience in overall 'planetary welfare' through wildscaping & working to harmonise humans and wildlife, across the UK.
At almost 350 pages (check out pics below) that will be sent to you as an e-book, for you to easily download to Apple Books or Android files to access as an ebook on your phone/tablet/computer, the Handbook offers the Reader (to benefit ourselves & all lives around us) ideas & instructions on how to live wildly in every aspect of our lives...
- A wild & fresh mindset from which to wonder at our planet & rejoice in our existence and day to day pleasures. This mindset enables us to manifest a wild world.
- A comprehensive step-by-step 'How To Guide' on wildscaping our planet: starting with wildscaping our home interiors/exteriors & wildscaping our local communities & organisations.
(Local actions = Global impact).
How will this handbook serve our planet?
What is a wild world and how can we live wild lives?
Is ‘wildscaping’ original?
Our human ‘land ownership’ and our objectification of resources.
How can we wildly coexist?
A fresh start.
Wild Wonder.
Powering & fuelling our lives, lifestyles and even our bodies.
Wildscaping our world by choosing how we spend our money.
Matching up the 'wildscaping philosophies' with wildscaping practicalities.
- Your inner environment - Air freshener / House plants.
- Marking out your space - Furniture / Rugs / Painting & prints / Decorations.
- Daily Lives - Cleaning products / Bathe & body / Cosmetics / Perfumes / Kitchen products / Coffee & milk etc / Books.
- Recycling & Upcycling options.
- Medicines.
- Territory & boundaries - Sharing your interior with other species.
These are just some examples of the helpful questions in the handbook - and then there are loads of ideas to help you answer these questions and take action - to determine how your exterior spaces can serve both your organisation and local wildlife...
A. What does my organisation really want from this space, to benefit myself/my staff?
B. Are there any spaces that I/we can give up to other species, for them to use?
C. Is there a way to collaborate with other species in these spaces?
Eg. Can I/my organisation install Bird & Bat Bricks / Hedgehog Highways / Letting trees grow / Putting fresh water out every day & night / Letting plants self seed themselves and claim bits of territory for themselves?
D. What boundaries do I (or does my organisation) need to put in place? (Eg. I’d like to have wildlife only use the bottom of my garden/the work estate and I’d like to keep the grass short near the house/offices, for myself/staff to use).
- 'Home/Habitats' examined.
- Buying property as an individual/community (to wildscape).
- Buying land as an individual/community (to wildscape).
- Collaborating with your local council to wildscape public (wasted/unsued) patches of land.
- Uniting as a community to change 'pest control' and pesticide use, in your area.
- Would you like to educate your local community on how 'Pests/Vermin' don't actually exist?
- [Template included - How to approach your council to start wildscaping public patches of land, with full community support.]
- Looking at the kind of property you live in and the decisions you can make within the space...​ House with a garden & a balcony / House with a garden / House with no garden but a balcony / House with no garden and no balcony / Flat with garden / Flat with no garden / Flat with balcony / Flat with no garden or balcony.​
These are just some examples of the helpful questions in the handbook - and then there are loads of ideas to help you answer these questions and take action - to determine how your exterior spaces can serve both your family and local wildlife...
- A. What do I really want from this space, to benefit myself/my family/my pets?
B. Are there any spaces that I/we can give up to other species, for them to use?
C. Is there a way to collaborate with other species in these spaces?
Eg. Can I install Bird & Bat Bricks / Hedgehog Highways / Letting trees grow / Putting fresh water out every day & night / Letting plants self seed themselves and claim bits of territory for themselves?
D. What boundaries do I need to put in place? (Eg. I’d like to have wildlife only use the bottom of my garden and I’d like to keep the grass short near the house, to sunbathe on).
Supporting our wild emergency services.
Loving ourselves (We are all miracles).
Wildscaping templates and worksheets.
A. 'Wildscaping my Exterior' checklist.
B. 'Spending to Wildscape' checklist.
C. 'Approaching your landlord/building manager' template.
D. 'Approaching your boss' template.
E. 'Approaching your local council' template.
F. Powering/fuelling our lives & lifestyles checklist.
G. Self care checklist.
H. 'Reaching out to fellow tenants in your building - a block of flats or shared office spaces - to wildscape' template.
I. 'Wildscaping Balance Sheet.'
"I found this book to be a really unique insight into how to better harmonise with everything around us. Detailed ideas big and small and very well written. Enjoyed it." Richard Lightfoot
"A straightforward, easy to read guide that does the thinking for you when you want to apply a little more ‘wild’ to your life. It’s different because it has interactive features and a glossary of useful links to guilt-free swaps in our everyday lifestyle." Emma Ryder
"The ‘WILDSCAPING OUR WORLD HANDBOOK’ blew me away with how comprehensive and diverse the content was. Upon receiving this handbook I was excited to see what it could offer in terms of how I can further reduce my impact on the planet and other plant and animal life in my area.
Being vegan, I consider myself a mindful person when it comes to reducing my impact on the planet and other plant and animal life, but what I wasn’t expecting was how thorough this handbook is at covering all areas of environmental impact - starting with how we view ourselves and the world.
This handbook should really be called a manifesto for conscious living, because that’s what it provides. Not only does it cover the intricacies of creating habitable spaces for native species both indoors and outdoors, but it also covers creating a wildscaped life, where we are living with an open heart interconnected with all other beings, including other humans.
This handbook may challenge some of your beliefs or world views, but approaching it with an open mind offers a whole new perspective on how the items we use in everyday life are impacting the planet.
Alana does not tell you what to believe, but instead reveals how our everyday choices are impacting the planet, allowing the reader to do further research and choose a lifestyle in alignment with their values and environmental impact. Upon reviewing the sources provided, I now feel much more empowered to make choices which are in alignment with my values and the world I am creating through my lifestyle.
I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a more inclusive worldview and practical ideas to implement in daily life which will contribute to a thriving planet for all species. It’s an enthralling and educational read with easily implementable ways to live in harmony with the world around us." - Amber Corinne
"Change your life for the wilder! Starting from a few basic principles, Alana develops a coherent belief system and way of living. Part philosophy book, part how-to guide, "Wildscaping our World" is filled with interesting ideas, as well as practical things that anyone can to do help the other beings we share this world with. Whether you just take from the handbook a few ideas to think about, or use it to transform your life and the lives of those around you, you are almost certain to find something of value. So well worth a read. You never know, it might even change your life for the wilder!" - John Davis
This handbook is currently being sold as an easy & immediate download on our 'Wild Living' Ko-Fi Shop...
Please use the button below to find out more.
* I'm giving it a go to sell this Handbook - which can be downloaded to Apple Ibooks or the Android equivalent to be read exactly the same as every other ebook, only with better graphics as I maintain the high resolution of my pictures - independently and not through a third party publishing platform (like Amazon) because I want as many pennies as possible from the sales of this Handbook to be channeled directly into manifesting a wild, loving, kind and luscious world. (I also don't want the 30% - or more - that I would pay in commission to a publishing platform to fund any activities I don't agree with, like deforestation).
Whilst I currently give up a tiny % of each Handbook sale to Paypal, I regard that as a fair exchange for the software they have developed to allow incredible, wonderful people - like you - to easily purchase this wild work of mine. Every other penny is poured almost immediately into the practical, on the ground actions that WW takes daily to help us share our world, stand up for the rights of our UK wildlife and wildlife worldwide, as well as offering medical care to injured wildlife & playing my part in uniting with many other organisations to end animal testing and stand up for the bodily autonomy & right to freedom of ALL captive creatures (and much, much more). We can live in a wild, magnificent world (we already do, in so many ways). Every penny from the purchase of this Handbook is invested in my hopes for a wild, loving world where we recognise that we can serve ourselves and love ourselves and love and serve all of our world simultaneously too.
Paperback copies of the Handbook will be available in preordered batches of 100, from a printer that specialises in 100% recycled paper and uses vegetable ink and low energy processes. The lowest cost I could find for such a book was £10 per book - if I order in batches of 100 - so I am looking to sell the paperback copies for £25 each (making a profit of £10 each after costs and postage). Anyone who has already bought the ebook will only have to pay £15 for the paperback.
If you are interested in having a paperback copy, please register your interest below and when we reach 100 interested buyers I will ask everyone to pay £15/£25 respectively and put in the order for the printed copies.