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Home Habitats UK

Home/Habitat in One
The welfare of our fellow human beings is of equal importance to the welfare of all species on our planet.
What is a 'home' but another word for 'habitat'?
So 'wildscaping' is also about PROVIDING HOMES FOR HOMELESS PEOPLE ACROSS THE UK (and creating those same homes by seeking to collaborate with charities who renovate dilapidated housing to make it available for homeless people)... I hope to work with these charities by enabling them to renovate these same properties as eco-homes too: with bird bricks, bat houses, green walls and bee bricks, to name a few eco-improvements.
I aim to source these charities a new (perhaps previously unconsidered) source of funding from wildlife/environmentally focused members of the public so that together we can provide homes not just for our wildlife but also our fellow humans-in-need.
And the best bit? Our most vulnerable fellow humans will be enabled to live in homes intertwined with plant & bird life, to have the supplementary support of colour and birdsong around them, to hopefully best support them in their new lives & their recovery from what they must have previously suffered.